#DoubleDeuceDay • Feb 2nd •
#DoubleDeuceDay • Feb 2nd •
Hello friend! Thanks for your curiosity. You’re probably wondering what the deuce “Double Deuce Day” is. Double Deuce Day is a brand new annual celebration in which people around the world, from all backgrounds, with different beliefs and an assortment of political views, let each other know that we care.

If you’ve watched movies or spent time on the internet, you’ve probably come across the phrase “I couldn’t give two sh!ts”, meaning “I really don’t care”. You might also know that in American English, a literal sh!t, or poop, is often referred to as a “number 2” or “deuce”.
By posting two poop emojis—in other words, 2 number 2s—on February 2nd—the 2nd day of the 2nd month—we tell our friends, our families, our colleagues—and any random strangers who might see our post—that we do, in fact, give two sh!ts.
I think it’s pretty obvious to most people that the world is a hot mess. And instead of fixing it, the people in charge mostly seem to be looking out for themselves. Between climate change, war and political polarization, you might say that everything’s going to sh!t. And it seems really hard—if not impossible—to fix a lot of the biggest problems.
Even though we don’t know exactly what to do to make things better, by posting two poop emojis, we show that we’re open to figuring it out, together.
So if you also give two sh!ts about the world and about your fellow humans, the least you can do is to post two poop emojis, too. Ideally you’ll include a link to this site, and tag both @doubledeuceday and #DoubleDeuceDay where appropriate.
If you prefer to share your own explanation of what Double Deuce Day means to you, we encourage that, too. Perhaps there’s a particular cause that you’re inspired to highlight on Double Deuce Day. Maybe there’s a lifestyle change that you want to make in your life and that you want to encourage others to join you in making, too.