Mission Statement

“To bring humans together to help solve our individual and collective problems”
We humans are all one species, yet each unique.
Our genes, our upbringings, the families, cultures, communities and socioeconomic circumstances we are born into, the education we receive and all of the positive and negative experiences we each live through, serve to shape us into individuals.
Despite our differences, we are connected by our shared origins, by the ecosystem that sustains us and by the certainty that our individual and collective actions have consequences—for ourselves, each other and all life on Earth.
As far as we know, humans may be the only living beings anywhere with the capacity to understand the nature of reality and to apply that knowledge to intentionally affect change. This fact alone makes our existence exquisitely precious, irrespective of any spiritual or religious interpretation.
We each have a duty to our fellow humans, to our ancestors, our descendants and to other living things, to accept reasonable, mutually beneficial limits to our freedoms and to work together in the face of changing circumstances, in order to coexist peacefully, sustainably, fairly, indefinitely.
Every single human accomplishment is a collective achievement, made possible by all the learning and progress that came before it and by the social, economic and technological infrastructure in place at the time it occurs.
Every accident, mistake or otherwise undesirable thing that ever happened is just as necessary to bring about the present moment as every past triumph and, importantly, also represents an opportunity to learn and progress.
Change is inevitable, unpredictable and, to some extent, beyond our control. This will probably always be the case. Our survival depends on our collective ability to respond to both expected and unexpected change in rational and constructive ways.
Specifically, humanity’s survival has and will, at times, depend on a single gene or on a single idea that is unique to one individual human, but which is derived from genes or ideas unique to other individuals. It’s impossible to know which living people hold the keys to our species’ future survival.
Therefore, it is in our collective interest to:
value and protect the lives of all humans.
enable and encourage all humans to participate in and contribute to all aspects of society.
preserve genetic diversity and foster diversity of thought.
In order to maximize the probability of humanity’s ongoing survival, to promote peaceful, meaningful coexistence and to balance the needs and desires of all, it is in our collective interest to establish:
universal equal rights and responsibilities for all people, now and into the future, including the right to a healthy, livable ecosystem.
a global system of laws and collective decision-making that considers the rights, needs and desires of all affected parties, that evaluates all available information and the advice of experts, that strives to first minimize harm and then to produce the most positive collective outcomes possible.
a unified monetary and economic system that reflects the true costs of all things, that incentivizes and fairly rewards beneficial productivity, while at the same time ensuring both sustainability and sustainable progress.
These rights, responsibilities and supporting systems should not be defined by a single person, nor by a group that represents only a subset of humanity. Neither should they be considered absolute or unchangeable. Instead, they should be defined, agreed upon and periodically updated, with input from everyone.