We’ve Got This

United Humans is a community of everyday people, united by the belief that it’s possible for society to be more inclusive, fair and sustainable than it is right now.

We have a plan to fix everything. A plan built on the three pillars of Optimalism:

  • LOVE

    Each of us is a uniquely capable and flawed human being, doing the best we can with the knowledge and resources available to us. Each of us is deserving of respect and the opportunity to participate in society as fully as we wish to.


    If we agree that all humans are equal and if we want to live in harmony, it shouldn’t be controversial to help those who are less fortunate or to reward people based on how beneficial their contributions are to society and the world.


    The Scientific Method and the Peer Review Process are two tools we use to improve our understanding of the universe. They can also be applied to collective decision-making, enabling us to maximize benefit while minimizing harm.


At United Humans we believe it’s necessary to disrupt the political and economic status quo; to pivot away from exploitation and greed, towards fairness and sustainability. We believe that such a pivot is possible, but only if everyone’s invited to participate in the process.

Add your name to the movement and add your voice to the conversation by joining United Humans.


The Indefinite Future

This might be a multi-generation undertaking, but we must start now. If we allow things to continue on their current trajectory, the accelerating climate crisis and the sixth mass extinction will mean the end for humanity as we know it.

As Optimalists, we believe that all future generations of humans, into the indefinite future, are equally deserving of our love and concern as those alive today.


Systemic Change

The Internet, smartphones and social media went from unknown to ubiquitous in 20, 10 and 5 years, respectively. Each of these technology revolutions was made possible by the success of the one before. Combined, they allow ideas to spread even faster. Generative AI came from seemingly out of nowhere and was suddenly everywhere, in only 6 months.

We believe that with enough engaged supporters, Optimalism can be a viral idea that leads to lasting cultural and systemic change.

What People Are Saying


“It’s silly to argue that human inventiveness is capable of anything, except for making society and the economy work for everyone and be sustainable into the future”

— Ollie the Optimalist


I have a dream;
That I wake in the morning with a smile on my face
That today I make a difference to the human race
For I've wasted so much time in my self involvement,
This is my peace, my human race enrollment

— Simon Vaughn

“I feel like I cannot wait for answers, but must become a co-creator for solutions”

— eda


“I've signed this pledge because it's a no brainer. People should want to improve the current systems and ultimately heal and preserve the one world we all share”

– Scott Gagain


“We owe it to our grandparents’ grandparents and our grandchildren’s grandchildren to do better”

— Clare Lee Bogice